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Collect more pictures & videos with reviews
Marcus Cardoso avatar
Written by Marcus Cardoso
Updated over a week ago

We often hear that collecting more media with reviews is a huge priority for brands who are looking to level up their reviews.

Review collection is probably one of the main reasons you're getting started with Junip (and if it isn't, it will quickly become one of your favorite parts).

Our mobile-first forms have turned leaving a review into this wonderful experience for your customers, which results in more reviews being submitted and way more media + responses along with them!

There are a few other ways that we can:

  1. boost the amount of media you're collecting, and

  2. highlight that media on your site.

Check out this post which explains more about media incentives and media galleries. You can enable media galleries in your On-site settings and media incentives on your Incentives page.

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