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Add the Homepage Reviews Carousel to your homepage

Create a review widget or carousel that can be added to your homepage, about page or anywhere else on your storefront

Robin Sharma avatar
Written by Robin Sharma
Updated over a week ago

Junip offers additional widgets that can be added to your storefront. As long as you have the Junip script on the page along with your store key (steps 1 & 2 of this article) you can place these elements anywhere on your site.

In this article, we'll walk through how to add Junip's review carousel to your storefront.


This is an example of how Honey Swim uses the Junip Review Carousel widget on their homepage to display their product reviews.

This is an example of how Honey Swim uses the Junip Review Carousel widget on their homepage to display their product reviews.

Example of Junip's Review Carousel Widget to display store reviews on the homepage

This is an example of how Social Threads uses the Junip Review Carousel widget on their homepage to display their store reviews.

Using your theme customizer

This widget can be added to your Shopify store via the Homepage Reviews Carousel App block in your theme customizer.

Adding the Homepage Reviews Carousel app block:

Adding Junip's homepage reviews carousel

After adding the block, you can personalize it to your preference by clicking on it.

Customization options:

  • You can select to display Product or Store reviews

  • Enable "Show review summary" (title, rating average and reviews total)

  • Edit the Title (Note: the title will show only if the review summary is enabled).

  • Add Padding (space)

Customizing the homepage reviews carousel

Using custom code

The widget can also be added to your Shopify store by inserting the HTML code below into your Shopify theme code.

HTML sample code:

style="padding-top: 16px; padding-bottom: 16px;"

Customization Options:

Setting name



product_reviews or store_reviews


true or false


Optional; any text. Note this will only show if show summary is true.

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