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Google Rich Snippets

Learn more about Google Rich Snippets & how to troubleshoot if they aren't showing

Malvina Smaqi avatar
Written by Malvina Smaqi
Updated over a week ago

Introduction to Google's Rich Snippets

Google Rich Snippets are pieces of information about your products that appear under the search results on Google's search engine results page. They can include ratings, number of reviews, prices, and other information. Since Junip is an official partner of Google Shopping, the review snippets will automatically display on your products after you install Junip's on-site snippets to your store theme to show reviews. There is no manual requirement from you here.

Highlighting the review rich snippets on a Google search results page

Troubleshooting your Google Rich Snippets

If you want to test that your snippets are displaying correctly, you can search for your product on the search engine and see the snippet info that displays, like the screenshot above. The other option is to head over to the Google Rich Result Test link and add the URL of the product page for one of your products.

In the test results, you'll want to expand the "Review snippets" section to see how Google is seeing and understanding your review data.

In the rich results test, you can see "Review snippets" as an option to look more closely at

In the "Review snippets" section, you can confirm that Google has detected the product being displayed on that product page correctly, and then can dive in a little deeper on the details for it below.

In the "Review snippets" section of a rich results test, you will find details on the product being picked up by Google

Now we can verify that the information attached to this product is accurate and up to date. If this info is not the same that you're seeing for it in your Junip admin, this tells us that there may be an issue with the info and/or where Google is picking up the info. We've included some common issues that may be relevant below.

The rich results test will share the specific review info that is being received for that product so that you can verify (ie. review count, rating value)

Common issues

Google is using the info from an old review provider

  • if there is code from an old review provider that's still lingering in your theme, then it's possible that Google is using this info, which blocks Junip's info from being used

  • if you find that the review data is outdated (ie. less reviews than you currently have), this could be a good indication that this issue deserves more attention

  • the best way to resolve this is to manually remove any code from your old provider that could be impacting this, that way, with the old code removed, Junip will be able to provide its structured data for Google to pick up -- doing this is also a best practice to keep your site working well!

You're using a third-party app to provide this info

  • sometimes it's not an old review provider, but actually a dedicated SEO app that you're using to help with all things Google. In this case, you could be running into the same issues as above where their code is blocking Junip's from showing and the best solution is to remove it

  • alternatively, if you prefer to use this code, then you'll just need to troubleshoot how it's setup so that it can use the most up-to-date info

  • if the third-part app is pulling in the review data statically (ie. the review count is an absolute number and is not updating as you get more reviews) or using an old metafield that is no longer supported, then you'll want to update it to use the proper variables. Below, you can find the standard review metafields that Junip pushes info in to automatically:

Rating value


Review count


You're not using Junip's displays on your site, or

You're using custom displays on your site, or

You want to set this up manually

  • if you've decided not to use Junip's displays on your website at all, or you're displaying reviews in a bespoke way (perhaps using our API), then we won't be able to add the structured data to your website for Google Rich Snippets to show

  • in any of these cases, these will have to be added manually by your dev team who added the displays. More on this can be found in the Google dev docs here.

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